
The Kansas Sheriffs' Association has been providing scholarships to qualified college students since 1991. The Scholarship Committee will begin accepting applications each year on February 1 with an application deadline of April 15. KSA can award up to 15 $1,000 scholarships, 1 Sheriff Matt Samuels $2,000 Scholarship, and 1 Wilson/Fletcher $2,000 Directors Scholarship. 

KSA added the Wilson/Fletcher $2,000 Directors Scholarship in 2024 for Darrell Wilson who served as the KSA Executive Director for 22 years and previously as the Saline County Sheriff.  And for John Fletcher who served as the Deputy Executive Director for 7 years with KSA and previously the Russell County Sheriff.  Both Wilson and Fletcher passed away in 2024 and this Scholarship is offered in their honor.  

The scholarship recipient may major in or pursue any course or field of study he or she chooses. The applicant may be a graduating high school senior, a recent high school graduate, a not so recent high school graduate, a student at a trade school, or a college student at the undergraduate or graduate level.

The recipient must be a full-time student at the undergraduate or graduate level taking at least 12 hours of college credit upon enrollment or be considered a full time student at a trade school, and must be related to a member in good standing of the Kansas Sheriffs' Association.

The relationship to the member of K.S.A. must be the member, a spouse, and children of the member or the grandchildren of the member (Member must be in good standing for at least two years.)

Each scholarship must be used at an accredited two-year or four-year college/university or a trade school.

Other requirements:

  • Applications must be on the approved form (application located at
  • Applications will not be accepted without a letter of recommendation from a K.S.A. member
    (must be a member must be in good standing)
  • Applications will not be accepted without an essay
  • Applications must include one recent photograph of the applicant
  • Applications will not be accepted if received by email or postmarked after April 15

A panel will conduct oral interviews for approximately 30 minutes per applicant in Salina, Kansas.
All interviews will take place during the first FULL week of June.

Submit completed application and all required materials by email to:
Sheriff Jeff Cope, Scholarship Committee Chairperson at

Email submission is preferred. However, if you can't email the materials, please mail the materials to:
Sheriff Jeff Cope, Scholarship Committee Chairperson
Lyon County Sheriff's Office
425 Mechanic St.
Emporia, KS 66801

Application deadline: April 15 each year

Application Form